May 12, 2017

Dinner Break and @KyleK_Poker Leads

113,000 after 9 levels for WPTDeepStacks World Traveler Kyle Kitagaw, good for the overall chiplead as players take their 45-minute dinner break. Here's some more chipcounts from around the room.

113,000 - Kyle Kitagawa
109,000 - Ernesto Garcia
94,000 - Darrel Dier
92,000 - Kathy Stahl

84,000 - Jerry Yang
74,000 - John Rogers
68,000 - Randy Gil
66,000 - Connor Henderson
55,000 - Loren Cloninger
54,000 - Amber Chatwin
53,000 - Rick Peterson
51,000 - Hector Ramos
47,000 - Nakara Nuon
39,000 - Nabil Esho
36,000 - Billy Drake
34,000 - Niv Decalo
33,000 - Curtiss DeOliviera
32,000 - Damion Underwood
25,000 - Tristan Wade
31,000 - Dee Timmons
21,000 - Rafael Gonzalez
26,000 - Greg White
17,000 - Lawrence Wishnak
9,000 - Michael Shaw

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