Oct 6, 2015

I Hate Slowrolls

In today's edition of TheBlogRant, we dive a bit into the deep end of the pool to talk about players who can't figure out how to turn their cards over .. aka The SlowRoll.

We just walked past one of the two tables going tonight, watching a player who is all in. He is called by a bigger stack and the player sits, motionless, unwilling to expose his cards on a 5-6-9 rainbow flop.

After 15-20 seconds he slowly peels a 4, pauses, then just as slowly peels a 3 to show he is on an open-ended draw.

Thanks, we appreciate you believing we needed to add some suspense 7 hours into the tournament, but next time, try showing you know how to give everyone a view of the fact you need to draw out ...

This also goes for players who are ahead, or who win the hand. Trust us, nobody is interested in how deft you are at turning one corner of your card really really slowly. Be an adult, turn your cards over and accept the win or loss and move on to the next hand -- or the rail -- as the case may be.

If we need added entertainment, ESPN is showing on the TV screens, thanks very much.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. Take note players. Nobody likes a slow roll 😎
