Nov 10, 2017

He Ain't Chicken

A short stack moves all in, a second player raises to 10,000, then a 3rd player moves over the top all-in for 75,000 and begins clucking like a chicken, clearly attempting to bait his challenger in to a call.

"You want me to call?" asks Player A.

"Yes I do," replies the challenger who shall remain nameless, because, well, clucking never prospers.

"OK, I call," adds Player A as he turns over pocket Aces, also remaining nameless, because, well, he asked.

The once-clucking unnamed player grimaces and turns over pocket Kings, immediately changing his tone to a conciliatory one and congratulating Player A on most likely eliminating him from the tournament.

Yep, the board blanks for him and the first all-in player whose Ace_Ten received no flop, turn or river love.

The Mysterious Player A moves to 185,000 and the 2nd-biggest stack in the room. He's the big stack at table 6.

Level - 12
Blinds - 600/1200
Antes - 200
Remaining - 23/97

Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates

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