Nov 17, 2016

Kumar Doubles Through Perez

There's an open to 1300, Jasthi Kumar (above) raises to 5300 and Armando Perez makes the call, while the original raiser gets out of the way.

The flop is Kc Kc Kc and Kumar puts his last 14,325 in the middle. Perez doesn't think long before making the call.

Perez - Kc Kc
Kumar - Kc Kc

Perez is drawing to his king and a backdoor flush draw.

The turn is Kc and Perez is down to three outs, all gone with the Kc river and Kumar - 58th in this year's WSOP Main Event ($116,963 cash), doubles through the onetime chipleader.

"That's the first hand I have won today," says Kumar.

Jasthi Kumar - 30,000
Armando Perez - 75,000

Players are going on their seocnd 10-minute break of the day. When they return, action is at

Level - 7
Blinds - 200/400
Antes - 50
Entries - 70

Dan Ross -

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