Nov 15, 2016

Jobe Gets Bixby

Brent Bixby limps, Mike Jobe slides out almost a full stack of grey 1k chips, action folds around to Bixby, who shoves and Jobe snap-calls. Jobe appears to have Bixby covered.

Bixby - A-K
Jobe - 6-6

Yep, a 4x raise and a snap-call with 66, Mike Jobe is feeling it.

The 4-T-Q flop moves Bixby to 10 outs with his Broadway gutter. He stays at 10 outs when the 5 comes on the turn, and his night ends with a 2 on the river as Jobe does have him covered.

18 remain, 9 cash tonight.

Level - 12
Blinds - 1500/3000
Antes - 500
Players Left - 18

Dan Ross -

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